Friday, November 1, 2013
Say Good-Bye To Yeast Infection Pain
It can often be embarrassing to have to deal with yeast infections. Some woman feel too ashamed and embarrassed to visit a health care professional in order to get the right treatment for their yeast infections. Keep reading this article to help you out in your fight against a yeast infection. A great way to reduce the chances of getting a yeast infection is thoroughly drying yourself after a shower. Water is one of the main causes of yeast infections. If you keep yourself as dry as possible, yeast infections will have less of a chance to develop. If you don't want to have problems with a yeast infection, be certain to dry your body as much as you can after you have showered. Water is a key ingredient in yeast infections. If there isn't moisture or water for the bacteria to thrive in, you aren't going to have many yeast infections. Enjoy a relaxing bath with a cup or two of cider vinegar poured into the bath. This keeps pH levels balanced. Don't stay in the tub for too long. If it's easier for you, you can douche 3 tbs. of apple cider vinegar per every quart of some warm water. If you are suffering from a yeast infection, lactobacilious acidophilis can do wonders for you. This naturally occurring live culture can prevent and slow yeast infections. Always purchase the sugar-free version of live culture yogurt. Sugar feeds the yeast, so it can be counter-productive. Don't use anything scented around your vaginal area. Scented products can increase your risk of having a yeast infection. Scented tampons are something you are going to want to avoid all together. You should also avoid buying colored toilet paper, as the dyes can be irritating. Fancy underwear can lead to yeast infections. Plain old cotton will keep you dry, whereas the nylons and lace of fancy panties hold in your body's moisture. That encourages the growth of yeast and can lead to another infection; therefore it is best to only wear breathable cotton. Armed with the information above, you ought to realize that yeast infections can easily be handled. You do not need to suffer with the irritation and discomfort. Now you can beat any yeast infection with no problem! go here: Louis Vuitton Replica