If you are one of the millions of people who have recently purchased an iPhone, you may have found yourself puzzled by its many features. Don't let the advanced features scare you. Rather, take a look at the piece that follows in order to maximize your experience with the device.
Getting lost is a thing of the past if you have an iPhone with you. The map application that is included in your phone's software will allow you to see your location anywhere that you have service. This is great for helping you get back home or visiting a new place you haven't seen yet.
Make sure your phone is using the latest updates. If you are diligent about doing this, you can be more secure in the fact that your phone will not be subject to glitches and viruses. Regular updating forces data storage and backup so you don't lose everything you find important.
TIP! Take advantage of the weather function on the iPhone to get a grasp of the forecast for the next week. This function allows you to select the specific town that you live in along with other areas that can help you get a better idea of weather in a particular area.
In order to save your iPhone's battery, decrease its brightness. All you need to do is go into your phone's settings and scale back its brightness. Your battery will last longer using this method, which may make quite the difference in long-term use.
If you're browsing the web through your iPhone, you should know you don't have to type ".com" when you're putting in a site's address. Simply type in the main portion of the address. Your web browser will understand what you are saying and will put you on the right site. How much time could you save by cutting out these unnecessary elements?
Hopefully, you've picked up a few new iPhone tricks from this article that you weren't aware of before. You can live a completely different life by using the iPhone. The tips in this article should help you get the most out of using your iPhone.